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Domains in Australia and Oceania with Antarctica

Australia and the Oceania region represent a fascinating area of unique geographical, cultural and ecological diversity. This area encompasses the Australian continent, New Zealand, the Pacific Islands and numerous smaller islands and countries in the Oceania region along with Antarctica.

The region encompassing Australia, Oceania and Antarctica is economically and economically diverse. The Australian economy is based on a wealth of natural resources, such as coal, iron ore and natural gas, which account for a significant proportion of Australian exports. In Oceania, particularly in the Pacific islands, tourism and agriculture are key economic sectors, providing a source of income for many countries. Antarctica, although uninhabited, attracts researchers and scientists to conduct research here, which is an important part of the economies of some countries in the region. All of these areas also face environmental challenges, including climate change, which affect their ecosystems and economies. International security cooperation is also an important part of the area's policies. The countries of Oceania are committed to environmental protection and climate change. As a restricted area, the Antarctic requires international coordination and cooperation. International treaties, such as the Antarctic Treaty, regulate activities in the area, paying particular attention to environmental protection and scientific research.

Australia and the Oceania region with Antarctica represent a unique area that combines both economic power and natural beauty. The cultural diversity, the abundance of nature and the commitment to global issues make this area fascinating for travellers and those interested in economic cooperation and environmental protection.

At Intername, we excel at registering a variety of domains across the Australian continent and in the Oceania and Antarctic area. With our strong relationships with local domain registries, in-depth knowledge and extensive experience, we provide seamless and fast domain name registration anywhere in the Oceania and Antarctic region. Trust us with your seamless Australian, Oceania and Antarctic domain registration and conquer these markets with us.

Browse nearly 30 Oceania and Antarctic territories, and discover 32 national domain name extensions matching your chosen region, sorted by country. Easily find the right domain extension and abbreviated registration requirements for any Oceania and Antarctic country in the full list below.

Australia, Oceania and Antarctica


No restrictions


Required local company (ABN)
Required local company (ABN)


No restrictions
No restrictions


Required EU presence. We offer an Agent solution free of charge
Local company or nationality required


No additional requirements upon registration


No restrictions


No restrictions
No restrictions


Local presence or Agent servuice required


No restrictions


No restrictions


No restrictions


No restrictions


No restrictions


No restrictions


No restrictions


No restrictions


Required EU presence. Offered free of charge


No restrictions

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